The Covid-19 pandemic has given us all time to stand back and think. Now we are ready to start moving forward.
“Moving Forward” has become somewhat of a byword between us here at Michael Moon as we use this unusual time to make plans and reflect on all aspects of life, and the way we do things.
The Corona Virus Pandemic has been a terrible intrusion to all of our daily lives and will have long term social and financial implications for us all. We are looking to search out the positives and make sure that we come out of this, not only stronger but, more dynamic and cognitive of the important things in life. Those things that give the most pleasure and satisfaction and yet which, in many ways cost the least and are the easiest to achieve. The focus has increasingly become towards family and friends and we begin to recognise the small circle of people who really matter to us and are participants in our day to day lives. I am sure all of us have become closer to some individuals and further removed from others, either from having to live in close quarters or from having relationships on “WhatsApp”, “Zoom” and “House Party”. It is also a time for learning new skills and catching up on all the jobs that we have been meaning to do over the last months, or even years!
Many are using this time to reflect on their lives and to make important decisions for the future. For a lot of people we have spoken to, this involves making big lifestyle changes as we recognise that we can work from home, that we can live a simpler life and concentrate on what is important.
During the first days of lockdown, the level of enquiries we were receiving dried up, as people got used to the changed circumstances and focussed on stocking the store cupboards and buying toilet paper! More recently we have seen the enquiry level slowly, but surely increase as potential buyers are looking at their options and considering the lifestyle changes which are going to make their lives more fulfilled in the future. Out of this has come our new strapline “Home is where the heart is”. We believe that it typifies all that we have learned during these challenging times and is a goal for what we are all looking to achieve in the future.
If you are thinking of a move, no matter how far in the future, now is a great time to make contact with us. We will be more than happy to discuss all the options and help you form your action plan. Now is the time to re-energise and make plans and most of all in the meantime stay at home… follow the experts advice and stay safe.
We can be contacted by phone on 0151 924 1000 or click on the “Request Information” link below. You can also use the chat on this website.